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📄️ Fiat On-Ramp & Off-Ramp
Seamless Fiat On-Ramp & Off-Ramp Integration
📄️ Gasless Transactions
Users must possess chain native tokens to interact with a dApp on any chain. For example, anyone who wants to send an Ethereum transaction needs to have Ether pay for its gas fees. This forces new users to purchase these crypto tokens before they can start using a dApp. This is a major hurdle in user onboarding which can be mitigated by enabling gas sponsorship within your dApp.
📄️ Batch Transactions
Evolving from simple externally owned accounts (EOAs) to contract-based accounts enables a lot of advantages and features. One such feature that is only available for smart contract-based accounts is batched transactions. Batched transactions allow users of the wallet to perform multiple transactions in one single on-chain transaction.